Jessica Dearie steers Drupal GovCon's 800 attendees toward Drupal Bliss. She leads a team of 28 Drupalistas to create the event. At work, US Government Employee Dearie, a team of 1 creates, maintains and manages an Environmental Protection Agency intranet site. Dearie at home takes on the lead of 4 children, 2 dogs and 1 husband while in her off hours she hustles as a Chief Master Sergeant in the District of Columbia Air National Guard. In her spare time, Dearie serves as a Drupal4Gov board member, co-organizes the DrupalCon Government Summit and is developing a webinar series for Drupal4Gov this coming Fiscal Year.
Dearie has spoken at Drupal GovDays, Drupal GovCon, Drupal Training Days and will be a panelist at Grace Hopper for "How Women Built Open Source Adoption Inside Government".